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We created the Marketing Unboxed









Rank: 1

发表于 2024-3-6 16:24:30 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Whether ’tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous website traffic, or ask for an email address against a sea of troubles…” At some point, every marketer faces this dilemma. You have an amazing piece of content—now are you going to give it away for free as a way to attract organic traffic? Or do you gate the content and use it as a lead gen magnet? Cara Hogan, then Content Strategist for Zaius (acquired by Optimizely), considered these options and asked—why not both? For their Marketing Unboxed video series, Cara says they took a hybrid approach to gating their content.

Rather than lock everything behind a form, they embedded  Denmark WhatsApp Number Data forms into each video—and it’s a great example of creative lead generation.  video series as a top-of-funnel piece of content designed to engage our target audience of B2C and commerce marketers. By including a lead gen form within the video itself, we encourage people to subscribe, but we don’t require it. Creative Lead Gen Example Embed Forms in Videos The forms draw just the right amount of your attention, without being too distracting.

It slides off the video if you move your mouse off the screen, but then pops back on whenever you come back. All in all, it’s a very tasteful lead-generating campaign that Cara says has driven some serious results. We’ve generated hundreds of net new leads from this video series so far. We’ve only published 10 total episodes, and older episodes continue to earn subscribers over time. Some of these subscribers have since been nurtured to become new Zaius customers.


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