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This amount of energy is preferable to rely on an infrastructure









Rank: 1

发表于 2024-3-5 15:31:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
This name is also due to the fact that both fields require the allocation of a large amount of time and effort, and the need for a large amount of energy to extract or produce a high-value asset. In the end, the digital currency mining process rewards miners for verifying the validity of transactions. This reward varies in amount from one currency to another according to the value of each currency and the energy used to mine it.

And of course the record of this reward is added to the Telegram Number Data currency’s block chain. CRYPTOCURRENCY MINING REQUIREMENTS 1. Power source The process of mining digital currencies depends on electronic devices (computers or devices designated for mining) that operate with electricity. However, this statement is considered a simplification of the amount of electrical energy that miners need to mine in a way that provides them with a profit margin. The fact that mining devices require electrical power does not mean treating them like any other electrical device. Professional mining devices, the Mining Rig, or even the computer used for mining require a large amount of electrical energy that sometimes exceeds the need for any other device.

Separate from that of the place in which it is located. Therefore, mining experts advise relying on a completely separate electrical source that is designated for mining devices only. The separate source is easy to control and adjust to safely and adequately distribute power to mining hardware. Note that securing the power supply is important to avoid short circuits and complete burning of mining equipment and the place in which it is located, which is a common occurrence in this field. 2. Ventilation A large portion of the energy needed by digital currency mining devices escapes and turns into heat. This heat must be disposed of by relying on external ventilation and cooling sources and not being limited to only the fans or ventilation attached to the mining devices.


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