You can highlight the top-performing campaigns for some of these KPIs, and the worst-performing campaigns for other KPIs. This will give your executive team a better understanding of the reasons behind this performance. It also makes it easier for you to replicate your success in the future and avoid mistakes. The interest in doing this remains the same: identify the most successful campaigns so that you can learn from them.
If you are a Plezi user, you can replace the table in this slide Greece Phone Number List with a screenshot of the Email Campaigns report to save time! Newsletter Performance The slideshow showing email newsletter performance is similar to the slideshow for email marketing campaigns. the number of people who subscribed to the newsletter and the number of people who unsubscribed. The difference between these two numbers will give you the net number of new subscribers.
This will allow you to track the performance of your newsletter and changes in the number of contacts in your database. Lead Nurturing Program Performance More than any other marketing strategy, lead nurturing allows you to build real relationships with your prospects. Therefore, monitoring the performance of your lead nurturing program is crucial.