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The European right: perspectives









Rank: 1

发表于 2024-2-15 16:38:27 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
The reader knows well that in recent days there have been certain political turbulences that have greatly affected the agenda of the main traditional right-wing party in our country, the PP . I leave to my good friend Mario Regidor the in-depth analysis of the Spanish case and I proceed to give an account, as a still photograph, of the situation of the different right-wing parties in European geopolitics. Let's start with our neighbors to the North, in Emmanuel Macron's France, it seems that according to the polls the political situation tends to remain the same, since the extreme right of the National Front, chaired by the always vociferous and xenophobic Marine Le Pen declines in the polls, now that the emergence of the totalitarian Éric Zemmour diminishes his intention of votes.

On the other hand, as of today, the French socialists are timidly climbing in the polls until they have decided whether their presidential candidate will be the mayor of Paris, Anne Hidalgo, or Gambia Email List whether they will opt for a more intellectual than popular profile. Insufficient at present to aspire to a second round. Let's continue with our neighbors, in Portugal, barely a month ago, we attended general elections in which the current Prime Minister, Antonio Costa, devastated the traditional right of the PSD led by Rui Rio and obtained a robust absolute majority that will allow him without ties, apply a progressive agenda based on enhancing social services and ecology. The main danger comes from the meteoric rise of the extreme right embodied in the Chega party.

Portugal and the assisted political fan of the European socialists In Italy, we find ourselves in a situation of atomization and lack of government evidenced by the extension against his will of Matarella's mandate as President of the Republic, but this may change in more than foreseeable national elections. Meanwhile, the Northern League of the ultra-conservative Matteo Salvini tries to polarize social discontent by becoming strong in the developed North of the country, while the “Cinque Estelle” Movement of Antonio Conte, newly elected leader in , loses strength and the PSI tries to reinvent itself and obtain support from the humble classes. Very uncertain future for Italians in the short and medium term. We move a little further North, in Germany, the departure of the charismatic Angela Merkel from the CDU has left a gap that is difficult to fill, especially taking into account the ascendancy of Úrsula Von der Leyen in Europe.


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