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Log Supri: 3 reasons for your company to hire Correios









Rank: 1

发表于 2023-9-14 17:33:11 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Essential for the functioning of any institution, supply logistics involves the flows of the input chain necessary for an organization's core activities. Since 2019, Correios has been offering a complete logistics supply management service for public bodies and private companies: Correios Log Supri. The solution uses the state-owned company's expertise and logistics structure to collect, check, store and distribute supplies to their final destination.

Among the institutions that have  Phone Number List already hired Correios Log Supri are Fundação Butantan and Nespresso. Recently, Senar Minas (National Rural Learning Service of Minas Gerais), responsible for the professional training of rural workers, signed the first Log Supri contract in the State. Correios will take care of the transfer and storage of the institution's stocks of advertising, office and teaching materials at the Correios Integrated Logistics Center in Belo Horizonte (MG).

When logistics supply management is conducted efficiently, it is possible to avoid waste, increase productivity and enhance an organization's results. Check below 3 benefits that your company or public body can have when hiring Correios Log Supri:

One of the main advantages of relying on Correios Log Supri is cost reduction, starting with the savings in not needing people to take care of supply management. “Just reducing costs, such as rent and IPTU for space for storage, surveillance and cleaning, can mean a reduction of up to 40% in expenses”, highlights the business director of the state-owned company, Alex do Nascimento.

Efficiency gain

No matter how hard an organization tries to carry out its own supply logistics, this is a process that requires specific knowledge. Therefore, it is essential to have the expertise and logistical structure of a company like Correios. The storage of supplies, in pallet racks, is fully monitored by a modern management system where the customer can monitor all flows.

More time to focus on your business

When a company's employees need to take care of all the logistical stages of the business, they end up dedicating a lot of time to this activity. By counting on the logistical support of Correios, professionals are free to work at central points of the business. Thus, the focus and direction of resources and efforts will be on the most strategic activities, generating value for the organization.

Currently, Correios Log Supri is available for sale in the States of São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Minas Gerais and the Federal District. Find out more on the Correios website.


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