Moreover, to achieve its goals, Russia does not even need to reduce these emissions . center of the country. Oil plays an increasingly important role in the Russian economy. of the energy efficiency strategies that can mitigate climate change, such as modernizing the energy sector or improving the energy efficiency of buildings, are in Russia's economic interest .
It is probable that they would have been envisaged, independently of any international obligation. Advantages and disadvantages of Russian resources The country has always emphasized its immense taiga, which covers much of Siberia and is phone number list home to more than 70% of the planet's boreal forests. The INDC clearly indicates that the Russian commitment is “subject to maximum consideration of the absorption capacities of the forests”, themselves supposed to allow industries to continue their emissions.
Russian experts and environmentalists, however, doubt that their impact on emissions is as high as the government claims. The Russian economy is primarily based on the country's vast gas reserves, the largest in the world. When they do not belong directly to the State, the main gas, oil and electricity companies maintain very close ties with it.