Monthly fee: one-time annual payment of $312; domain name: $14; server: $0; SSL security certificate: $0; template: free template; Total : RMB 2,240 for the first year, and about RMB 2,240 for annual renewal. Open source code method: self-deployment and installation of wordpress and magento open source code; Monthly fee: 0 yuan; domain name: 60 yuan; server: 0 yuan ($300 gift from Google); SSL security certificate: 0 yuan (free security certificate from Let's Encrypt); template: one-time fee of 15 dollars (themeforest purchase ) ; Comparative analysis of independent self-built.
Websites Which independent website construction method is the most cost-effective? 16 Total : RMB 163/year for the first year, RMB 60 for annual renewal; This comparison seems a bit surprising. Shopify’s self-built website costs 2,240 yuan per year, and the open source code program only costs 163 yuan. Is it worthwhile to spend more mobile number list than 2,000 yuan on shopify every year to operate an independent self-built website without profit. Obviously, not worth it. Then why choose shopify? It saves trouble, because you don't need to maintain the host by yourself, and you don't need to apply for the deployment security certificate yourself. opening a store on a platform.
Of course, the website on Shopify, like Amazon, still has the risk of being shut down. If you want to take full control, the best way is to build it yourself. The freedom and scalability of open source programs like wordpress and magento are what shopify hopes for. beyond reach. This goes back to the original topic. Which way is the most reliable way to build an independent self-built website? I prefer to divide this topic into different groups for comparative analysis: Xiaobai sellers: To be honest, many ordinary cross-border e-commerce sellers seem to be somewhat unable to successfully access websites such as Google and Facebook, and these websites are the main battlefield for independent self-built websites to drain traffic.