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Among the recommendations is still the traditional one of handing over









Rank: 1

发表于 2024-3-16 17:34:15 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Social Security heritage buildings to the Autonomous Communities The use made of the Reserve Fund by successive governments is assessed as adequate . It is recommended that there be a minimum allocation to the reserve fund of % of the annual expenditure of contributory pensions, but it is conditional on when there are resources available for it. The progressive extension from to years of the period computed for calculating the regulatory base is supported, which will culminate in , and then the possibility of it reaching the entire working life will be considered. Regarding the increase in the minimum pension, nothing is said about the frozen IPREM or its increase in the SMI. They say things that offend: they say that minimum pensions cannot be raised much so as not to discourage contributions, that is, because then workers would not want to work. It is recommended to promote complementary systems and link them to collective bargaining, financing them with contributions from the worker and the company. Putting resources in the hands of financial entities and, also with tax credits.

They want to turn the unions into vehicles for connecting with the banks. The looting of Social Security and the COESPE campaign By analyzing the elements on which the intergenerational solidarity of the pay-as-you-go system is based, COESPE has confirmed that it has been and will continue to be a regular practice of governments to use surplus contributions, not to constitute reserves, but simply to finance other people's AOL Email List expenses. to the benefits inherent to the pay-as-you-go system of our Social Security. As union, university and even part of the Court of Accounts studies point out , these are considerable resources. For this reason, COESPE has decided to carry out a campaign to collect signatures aimed at deputies urging them to decide to carry out a public audit on the use of surplus contributions for improper expenses and without constituting reserves, which in the current situation would be sufficient. to compensate for the inadequacy of contributions caused by labor reforms and to deal with the incorporation of new retirees from the babyboom generation.

It is the concrete way to undo all the official and unofficial propaganda that there are no resources to maintain the system and the alleged need for cuts, parametric reforms and opening Social Security to private pension funds. It is a concrete way to demonstrate the falsity of Social Security deficits and debts, it will be demonstrated that they are a construction of the different governments that plunder the resources and contributions of the Social Security distribution regime. Indeed, COESPE as a free and independent movement for its defense of the distribution system of our Social Security, whoever governs, becomes a factor of order in the face of the chaos generated by power and the powerful to destroy the social rights of the class. worker Juan Miguel Fernández | Honorary professor at the Complutense University of Madrid and technical advisor to the Court of Accounts, retire.


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