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Discover the concepts that work abroad!









Rank: 1

发表于 2024-2-14 19:23:20 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Discover the concepts that work abroad! Many countries have found success with a particular business concept, and you should research these markets so you know the rules, regulations, and restrictions that apply. For example, in Japan, kawaii culture has met with real success which is exported all over the world. It's all about creating cute and adorable characters and selling them in different forms. These concepts work well in other countries because they appeal to certain cultures, tastes and preferences – and can be very profitable too!

If you are trying to start a business in another country where similar concepts have not been tested before, it may be important to do some research into the country's culture so that your business idea is not lost before you even get started. to start. 3 essential assets for the franchise Bahrain Telemarketing Data Franchising is a business model that has already proven itself. Not without reason: this type of business grants numerous advantages to those who decide to adopt its configuration. Three fundamental aspects make franchising an attractive option for entrepreneurs, as you can see on www.observatoiredelafranchise.fr . The first major asset is that of notoriety. Obeying a franchise has a reassuring dimension for consumers: they already have an idea of ​​​​​​​​what they will find, whether in terms of products, services or customer experience.

The franchise entrepreneur benefits from this already established image and trust. The second advantage concerns economies of scale. When you open a franchise, you can immediately benefit from the commercial agreements concluded by the franchisor with its suppliers. This means generally lower rates than those available to simple sole proprietorships. The third advantage is risk minimization. The franchise model has proven itself. A franchisee has access to a concept that has already been tested, refined and demonstrated its profitability. In addition, the franchisor supports the franchisee, which represents real support in launching the business. Between inherited notoriety, economies of scale and reduction of risk, franchising offers a triptych of remarkable advantages for entrepreneurs. It should be noted, however, that the choice of franchise will also depend on other parameters specific to each entrepreneur.


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