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UN: Number of people at extreme risk of famine doubles









Rank: 1

发表于 2023-11-29 13:24:25 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
The Secretary General of the United Nations, António Guterres, has said that between Ukraine and Russia they produce almost a third of the world's wheat and barley, and half of the sunflower oil. Products that have been blocked for more than three months in Black Sea ports due to the aggression of Russian troops. Furthermore, he has pointed out that the number of people facing severe food insecurity has doubled in just two years, from 135 million before the pandemic to 276 million currently. Women and girls are the most affected, the rate of human trafficking, forced marriages and other abuses has increased.

António Guterres , Secretary General of the UN, has Special Data warned that around 60% of the world's undernourished people live in areas affected by conflict and 49 million in 43 countries are at emergency levels of hunger. Ukraine is considered the " breadbasket of Europe " and exports half of the sunflower oil in the world, 15% of corn and 12% of wheat, but its products have been blocked for more than three months in the ports of the Sea. Black for the aggression of Russian troops.

During a debate in the Security Council on conflict and food security , convened by the United States, Guterres stated that: “ In the last year, global food prices have risen almost a third, those of fertilizers by more than half. and those of oil almost two thirds. “Most developing countries do not have enough fiscal space to soften the blow of these huge increases .”

The consequences are terrible: lifelong stunting of children, malnutrition for millions of people, dangerous trips between continents for entire families, and girls being forced to marry , work, or drop out of school. This is reflected in rising rates of human trafficking, forced marriages and other abuses.

Thousands of migrants still die every year in search of what we all seek: opportunity, dignity and a better life .” We must do more to prevent the loss of life, as a humanitarian imperative and a moral and legal obligation ,” Guterres warned.

The UN chief announced that the Central Emergency Response Fund will release $30 million today to meet urgent food security and nutrition needs in Niger, Mali, Chad and Burkina Faso.


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