Your thoughts must always be on their needs. SEO copywriting, the art of writing for the web , differs significantly from writing on paper. If you want to convert your audience into customers, you must first understand what their preferences and habits are . Writing texts for websites, what does Google recommend?
Creating texts for pages that are meant to be read on a monitor or smartphone screen is a separate job . What do users expect from your digital text? Does the web content you created solve the reader problem? Does Industry Email List it help in any way to simplify the lives of the people you reach out to? Or is writing your texts on the web just a way to fill your site, your blog or your social pages? Think about it. Grammar is important, syntax is the starting point. But that's not the only thing that matters. According to Jacob Nielsen , one of the fathers of writing for the web , people don't read text: they scan it . Only 20% of the total text on a page is read by the average user.
This must be the pillar of good online writing for you. refer to the user . You don't have to write for yourself. You don't have to address your company, your boss, your colleagues. And above all, always remember: what works for you, may not work for your audience. Use the WORDS that the user understands best and are most familiar with. Talk like you (the reader) eat! This also applies to the order of paragraphs and titles that you assign to texts and web pages. Avoid redundant content . If you repeat the same concepts, elements, or links on the same page, you don't help the reader understand better. You often get the opposite effect. Kinda like when your mom tells you ad nauseum that you have to do your homework! Do you make them?