Discover the evolution of SMTP to SMTP+. The present and the future of messaging technology depends, it is known, on the quality of delivery and the personalization of communications. We are not only talking about promotional campaigns and product launches, but also about simple transactional messages , which are often managed with CMS, CRM, ERP or (for those who work in the sector) with e-commerce management systems. But how to combine personalization and delivery quality in the tidal wave of transactional shipments? The key word is SMTP : a technology that has been part of e-mail since the early 80s , to which MailUp has added a plus , to exponentially multiply its resources and benefits.
But let's take a step back, to understand what is behind the acronym SMTP and how it evolves into SMTP+ : from a simple transmission protocol (with the risk of spam and phishing interference) to a server for sending high-rate, personalized transactional messages delivery. SMTP: what is it and what is it for? Let's see the meaning of SMTP according to Wikipedia : The US B2B Email List Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) or "simple mail transfer protocol" is a network protocol used for the exchange of email messages between computers or other devices (PDAs, mobile phones, printers, etc).
Let's look at the matter from another perspective: each time an e-mail is sent, it is sent and delivered through an SMTP server, a kind of digital postman who is assigned to deliver the message. Simplicity is, at the same time, the strength and weakness of SMTP: the SMTP servers associated with providers such as Gmail or Outlook – that is, those used by individuals – are based on unmonitored IPs . This means that, when sending our e-mails, it is possible that we are sharing the same IP as a spammer: a fact that deteriorates the sending reputation and inevitably influences the correct delivery of clean messages, ours.