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Simón or the gag law: Rajoy's legacy that









Rank: 1

发表于 2024-2-15 18:27:50 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Sánchez uses against the coronavirus Fernando Simón was appointed director of Health Emergencies by the Rajoy Government. The Ministry of the Interior uses the Gag Law to fine those who skip the quarantine. The Government is still moving with Mariano Rajoy's extended budgets. he budgets of the former president, Mariano Rajoy, are still being extended . The Government's expenses are still marked, five years later, by the criteria of the former PP president. But there are more political legacies of Rajoy that today the socialist president Pedro Sánchez uses to combat the coronavirus. The director since 2012 of the Health Alerts and Emergencies Coordination Center of the Ministry of Health, Fernando Simón , was appointed during the Rajoy Government . And now, Sánchez has relied on the Gag Law that he criticized so much to ensure that citizens comply with the quarantine during the state of alarm. 180,387 citizens have already been.

Administrative sanction for not respecting the confinement. And to speed up the procedures, the police have relied on the Gag Law . This controversial law that was even criticized by members of the State security forces is now the one that Fernando Grande Marlaska 's Ministry of the Interior uses to strea Macedonia Email List mline sanctions against those who skip the quarantine. A political legacy of Rajoy that, after being harshly criticized by the socialists in parliament, serves the socialists to maintain order in the streets. But not only that. Who is now the face of the Government to report on the coronavirus and who Sánchez has fully relied on to monitor the virus pandemic is an appointment by Mariano Rajoy. Fernando Simón, the epidemiologist who has become fashionable these days, was an appointment from the PP who to this day continues to be in charge of this type.

Situation withinimón has transcended any political identity, since it was he who also dealt with other potential pandemics or threats such as Influenza A or the Ebola crisis, so remembered now. And despite all this, the margins in which Pedro Sánchez's Government has moved since it snatched the presidency from Mariano Rajoy through a motion of censure continue to be a legacy of the PP. The General State Budgets (PGE) that continue to validate the Government today are those of Mariano . They have been extended for five years and, with the coronavirus crisis, the possibility of them being extended once again is expected. Then there is the spending budgeted by the PP for public health. There has been much criticism that the popular ones cut back on Health, and it is true. Specifically between. However, the Rajoy budgets that Sánchez.  


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