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Campo calls on the PP to negotiate the renewal









Rank: 1

发表于 2024-2-14 17:45:05 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Of the CGPJ after 4M but without vetoing Judge De PradaThe Minister of Justice, Juan Carlos Campo, insisted this Thursday on his call to the PP to negotiate the renewal of the General Council of the Judiciary (CGPJ) , arguing that after the withdrawal of the last proposal to reform the system of electing members "There are no more excuses ," and he has called on him to resume negotiations after May 4, "whatever happened" in the Madrid elections. "I hope that on the 5th we will sit down again with all our energy, whatever happened on the 4th, and give the country what it is waiting for, which is the renewal of its constitutional bodies," Campo said in an interview granted to Canal Sur's 'La Mesa de Analysis', when questioned about this matter. The head of Justice has considered that, after the Government asked the parliamentary groups of PSOE and Unidas Podemos to withdraw the bill to change the majorities by which CGPJ members are elected, which remained "frozen.

And since this has been done, there are now "no excuses" for the PP to refuse to agree to the renewal of the governing body of the judges. by Taboola Sponsored links you may like Get Unsold Prefabricated Cabins with Toilet and Bath for Almost Nothing! (See Now) Unsold Prefabricated Cabins However, he has been awa Canada Phone Number List re that there is a certain "incidence" of "political elements" on this issue. "It is logical. In everything, the events of life are conditioned," he reasoned, to reiterate: "Hopefully, the 5th will be the definitive day to embark on the final stretch and, if not, we will have to look for it, because what I do have very clear is that there is no alternative. Questioned about the PP's veto of the two candidates that Unidas Podemos would have proposed for the new CGPJ, judges José Ricardo de Prada and Victoria Rosell, Campo answered that "it is not a problem of vetoes", but of electing "the best » with «large majority». "You have to work on it, and the first name that appears.

Maybe I don't see it well, but by talking we can always reach a point of agreement," he explained. Regarding the possibility of the Government parties resigning from a candidate to favor the agreement, the minister stressed that "it is not a question of resigning, because then it already implies that one has lost." In any case, he has defended that "it does not seem reasonable that you veto anyone for a paragraph in a resolution", in clear reference to Judge De Prada and his ruling on the first era of the 'Gürtel', in which he pointed out the PP as lucrative participant. THE  On the other hand, he has referred to the image of politicization of justice, both among the judicial career itself and among citizens. In the first case, and following the mobilizations of judges on social networks and the letter from associations to European bodies, Campo has clarified that he does not share the opinion of that "half" of the robes, claiming that according to the CGPJ's own surveys judges feel “rabidly independent.


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