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Simple note: this is its price in 2024









Rank: 1

发表于 2024-2-14 15:22:17 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

The buyer of your home will request a simple note from the Property Registry , the price of which in 2024 varies depending on how you obtain it. Discover the importance of having this document on hand to sell your apartment or the opportunity to forget about it by hiring the services of platforms like Housfy.

Sell ​​your house getting more for less
Paying a lot to receive little is a thing of the past.
Housfy issues you your free simple note when you sell your apartment
Relying on comprehensive real estate service platforms Oman Phone Number List like Housfy has its advantages. Housfy offers tighter fixed rates than the high commissions of traditional real estate agencies and, in addition, you will not have to worry about issuing any document, such as the simple note.

With Housfy's services , you will have the simple note in a very short time and at no additional cost. Thus, once we find the ideal buyer, the process will be easier and faster than usual.

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How much is a simple note worth in 2024?
The simple note in 2024 has an official price of €9.02 plus VAT , if requested from the Property Registry website. The price is per property, and applies to both ordinary simple notes and location notes. If you also need a translation , you must pay an additional €30 for that service.

You can also go in person to the Registry , in which case the price is lower, but it is inconvenient, given that most agencies can now access them almost instantly.

How long does it take to request a simple note in 2024?
If you request it at the Property Registry, you will receive it in less than two hours .

If Housfy processes it for you when you sell your home , you won't have to worry about the timing! Everything will be ready before you expect it.

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Why should I process the simple note for my apartment?
If you have already been asked for it and you don't know what a simple note is , we will explain it to you: it is a Property Registry document that shows information about a property at a specific time.

Some of the data it indicates are the square meters of the home , the owner, the cadastral reference and, above all, the charges it may have.

In fact, the document is used to certify that the property is free of encumbrances at the time of sale and, for that reason, it will be vitally important that it be issued recently. The appraiser, if the buyer applies for a mortgage, will ask for a simple note issued in the last 3 months.

And the buyer will need the simple note to show it to the bank. If we already have it at hand, we will facilitate the purchase process because the buyer will be sure to go ahead with the operation once he sees that the home is free of charges.


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