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Go for the full funnel









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发表于 2023-11-26 17:52:22 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
With a careful analysis of the interactions on the site you will know what to change, what best practices to replicate and what to eliminate completely. Not only that, you will also always have an eye on the interests of prospects and trends in the sector and you will be able to start considering the site as an investment that repays your efforts with new leads to bring to the signing of the contract. If you want to find out how your site is performing and get advice on the elements to improve with a view to commercial development, book a FREE analysis with a certified expert! Why B2B DEM campaigns don't work and what to do.

Published by Valeria Caglioni You can find me on: Updated the:January 13, 2022 Reading time: 6 minutes Photo Editing Services  DEM campaignsLet's go back to talking about the topic of email marketing, but not so much to demonize the use that many companies often make of it, but to find out how to create effective DEM campaigns for B2B with guaranteed results. Although it is an outbound technique, judged by many recipients to be intrusive and often disturbing, email marketing also finds space and a strategic role in inbound marketing strategies.

Find out how in today's article! What isn't working in B2B DEM campaigns and how to act immediately to avoid mistakes As anticipated in the introduction, email marketing is an important component in the inbound methodology . However, if it is not designed, executed, monitored and optimized correctly, you run the risk of compromising the company's entire strategic plan. I imagine you want to avoid ruining all marketing efforts due to ineffective DEM campaigns, which is unfortunately happening to many companies, even in B2B. Let's start immediately by looking at the most common errors, with advice on how to remedy them and avoid them.


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