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How important is racial equity for education?









Rank: 1

发表于 2023-10-21 14:25:26 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

According to the Atlas dictionary , equality means “Lack of differences; of the same value or according to the same point of view, when compared with another thing or person”. The same dictionary points out that equity is the “characteristic of something or someone that reveals a sense of justice”. Despite being close conceptually, the two words have significant differences – which are enhanced when race is used as a qualifier for both. Professor of the Pedagogy course at Instituto Singularidades, Dr.

Waldete Tristão produced a vast literature on racial equity and the institutional role of educational systems. A starting point to understand the topic is important: equity and equality are not the same things. In fact, understanding the existence of differences whatsapp number list is fundamental for equity to exist. “The concept of equity reveals the presence of a sense of justice which means ensuring that the treatment or way of acting towards a certain person takes into account their individual characteristics and specific needs. (…) Treating with equity means adapting the rule to a specific case, in order to make it fairer”, explains the teacher. Waldete Tristão uses an image as an example to make the concept clearer.

In the image below, three children, of different heights, try to watch a game taking place on the other side of a wall. If equality is equal, each person gets a box. However, only two can see the match. Equality and equity – Cartoon by unknown author In the concept of equity, the tallest child does not need the crate. Your height is enough. The shorter one needs two boxes to see and that's how it is done. This way, everyone can watch. According to the expert, the racial issue is one of the fundamental challenges to be overcome in order to face the deep inequalities in Brazil, considering that, in absolute data, according to the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE), approximately 56% of the population is black , adding to the number of people who declare themselves black or mixed race.

The daily presence of structural racism presents itself in different ways, permeating identity dynamics, social and institutional relationships. And the school is not left out of this. “So that difference does not turn into inequality, it is necessary to recognize it, so that its existence is respected in its history, culture and existence, considering the singularities of each age”, he begins. She adds: “It is extremely important that the training of future teachers is committed to anti-racist education, with a focus on equity, making it possible to understand that structural racism is present in schools and that actions to combat it must be a commitment to all professionals working in education”.


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