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Get Started With Armenia Email List Marketing









Rank: 1

发表于 2023-9-6 15:07:02 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 b2cemaillist 于 2023-9-6 15:24 编辑

For whom? The idea of ​​NFT is simple: use technology tomake the history of any digital object (art or not) verifiable and verified.This is an opportunity for digital artists to earn on the sale of their work,receive royalties from resales. In each NFT, the wallet of its author is"sewn up", and for each change of ownership, part of the money goesto the author. Not only paintings, video clips or audio can be converted intoNFTs, but also characters in computer games, their weapons or other items ofequipment - any items in the virtual universe. For example, your computer gamehasn't been released yet, but you can already sell fans an NFT version of acharacter from the last level.

Where it all started NFT technology is part of a larger Armenia Email List blockchain system. Blockchain is a continuous chain of blocks. It containsrecords of all transactions, and electronic processes. This is the principle ofdistribution of protocols, when data is not stored on one server, which cancollapse or which can be deliberately dropped, but is distributed among theparticipants of the blockchain. All transactions (purchases or sales) are fixedin the blockchain. A token is a code, an entry in the blockchain. Each tokencan be replaced by another of the same token and nothing will change. Anon-fungible token (NFT) is a unique code that cannot be replaced,counterfeited or shared.

Each NFT contains information that makes it unique andnon-interchangeable: creator ID, extended metadata, secure links to files, andother identifying information that is written in the smart contract. A smartcontract is a set of specific functions and data, which is located under aspecific address in the blockchain. Listen to the release of the podcast"Lida, where are the leads?" with NFT expert Vsevolod Sazonov Are youan NFT owner? To make it clear how this applies in real life, let's imaginethat you decide to start your blog on Twitter. Here is your first tweet: Youactively promote it through other channels, fill it with interesting posts,jokes, and photographs. 3 years pass and you are already an influencer.Millions of users listen to your opinion. You are invited for an interview.


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