Create narrowing filters that allow you to browse through : selected size/color/style/type, price range, brand, material, categories, sex, features dedicated to special products (e. engine power, computer memory, etc.). 2. Clean up the shopping path Keep it simple! – this is nothing new, so you need to simplify the way to the transaction. Users generally appreciate uncomplicated online transactions. and improve the e-commerce customer experience? Don't hide the basket While customers shop, the shopping cart must be easily accessible on every page.
A popup can be useful if a customer wants to add an item. This will certainly make it easier to add another product and confirm whether they want to continue shopping or proceed to checkout. Example of basket configuration in the deichmann china phone number list online shop:deichmann Include prices and fees in your cart Don't mislead your customers. Prices and fees for products selected by customers, including shipping and taxes, must be included in the shopping cart . You should also include special offers that will allow customers to save some money, e. information about a discount code, loyalty program or the missing amount for free delivery.
Let me know when the product arrives If you don't have the product in your store, let the customer know when you expect delivery or ask them for an e-mail . Then, when the assortment is replenished, you will send him a message. An example from the iperfumyl online drugstore: Let the customer pay the way he likes You don't want customers to remove their items at checkout just because their preferred payment option isn't listed. If you can, you should always offer a wide variety of payment options - especially those that are frequently used by many online shoppers.