But how is that possible? The use of bots is increasing so fast that after a certain time every company will have a bot. In addition, the bot is very fast, which means that they will exceed the speed of a website or mobile app. This is because a website often has to load and an app has to be downloaded. to be downloaded. The main reason is that the bot's usability is better than websites and apps. Websites and apps are never designed the same, so you have to constantly learn new visual interfaces. All in all, this is of course a prediction and we have to wait and see what will actually happen to the bots, but opportunities are there anyway.
Do you want to know more about the possibilities of the chat switzerland phone number list bot and how you can use it in your marketing strategy? Feel free to contact one of our marketers.On Sunday, June 2, an announcement for the June 2019 Core Update appeared via Twitter. According to Google, the update will be implemented on June 3. We tell you more about it. Announcement June 2019 Core update It is the first time that Google itself has announced a core algorithm update. Previously there were also updates, but these were not communicated in advance by Google. The reason this is happening now? Google wants to be more proactive when updates and changes happen. Consequences June 2019 Core update It is unknown how the update affects the search results of the pages of your website.

Some pages will not notice the update, while other pages will have a different position in the search results. This can turn out to be both positive and negative. If a page has a lesser position, unfortunately nothing can be done about it. In time, a lesser position can be corrected by Google. So keep an eye on what the update has an influence on your pages. Previous updates A core update like this is certainly not new in its kind. Once every few months, Google does update the algorithm. The last known update was in March 2019. So what's new about this update is that Google is announcing it.