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10 Funnier Email Sign-Offs Than “Best”









Rank: 1

发表于 2024-7-3 15:24:10 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Thank you. With all my heart.

That’s the only acceptable way to sign off in a business email, right? You want to sound like a serious professional who approaches every business relationship with the appropriate sense of seriousness and importance, don’t you?

But given that sales reps have a limited amount of time to Brazil Phone Number List  make a lasting impression, a formal — and let’s face it, boring — email sign-off can be a wasted opportunity. In a crowded marketplace, you need to use every opportunity to make a memorable connection with your prospects. The often-overlooked email sign-off could be exactly what you need to make a lasting impact.

10 funny email endings
It's G2G, bye!
May you have good fortune and longevity
The Force is with you
Goodbye, thank you for the fish
Goodbye, alligators
keep Calm
Tags, you
Are you still watching?
The smell! (Just kidding)
How Email Etiquette Evolved
Email technology has its origins in the foggy days of the 1970s, but questions of etiquette were not raised until the late 1990s, when email became an accessible communication tool thanks to early webmail services. For those accustomed to communicating over the phone, the return to the written word was seen as an opportunity to revive a more formal and carefully constructed language.

A 1998 editorial in The Washington Post advised readers to use email for scheduling meetings and sharing research, but to use traditional mail for professional matters. The author noted that email was too ephemeral to convey important information. At the time, email was considered a young person's thing, and there was a fear that abbreviations like "IMHO" and "TTYL" would be misunderstood by recipients. In 1999, CBS told viewers to avoid "emoticons," which were "cute, but confusing."

Ironically, these "confusing" emojis have gone some way to solving the problem of tone-deaf writing. Now, a smiley can clarify a sarcastic phrase or make you more clear when you're telling a joke. Plus, emojis are in the dictionary now, so try a retort.

Humor vs. Formal: When to Use Humor in Business Letters
Email etiquette has evolved significantly since the days of dial-up, and humor is much more acceptable in business settings. Obviously, you don't want to use emoticons in a contract, but there's more leeway if you're writing prospecting emails and similar sales correspondence.

Overall, modern leaders have seen the benefits of combining humor with business. In fact, 79% of CFOs say humor plays a role in how well their employees perform and fit into company culture .

Using humor when writing a professional email is an opportunity to show your intelligence and creativity, which can make others more sympathetic to you. Emails can be as emotionless as possible, but a little comedy can humanize the sender. Even as AI takes on more business responsibilities, it still can't always come up with a good joke or a witty one-liner.

Having a sense of humor makes you more approachable. Ending your email on a funny note will leave a good impression, even if you didn’t write it terribly. The next time you email a prospect, client, or colleague, inspire your writing with one of these funny closing lines:

10 funny email endings

1. It's G2G, bye!
Congratulations, millennials, we're the largest generation in the workforce, which means we're back on AOL instant messaging. Whether you've been called to the dinner table or your parents just opened your report card and you need to hide somewhere fast, "G2G, bye!" is one of the quickest ways to exit a chat.

Save this old classic for sending quick messages to prospects who might understand a quote. It creates a sense of urgency without being too pushy. Plus, a sudden “G2G” will make your recipient want to know more about your cool offer. Just when you get called away for “super important stuff,” I start to explain.

2. Peace
Sign off your next email with a casual "Peace out!" They say hippie slang never gets old. While you may not want to wear a tie-dyed t-shirt to your next door-to-door sale, you can inject a little peace and love into your business correspondence.

Feel free to add an emoji here if you're feeling like it, man. No pressure. ✌

3. Good fortune and longevity
The traditional Vulcan closing statement accompanied by a raised hand () actually predates the use of the peace sign. Pretty neat, isn't it?

Star Trek has millions of fans of all ages around the world, so you can be sure your recipient will understand this ending. Even if you happen to be emailing someone who has been living under a rock for 50 years, it's still a pleasant sentiment. It sounds much better than the Klingon farewell "Qapla".

4. The Force is with you
On the other side of fandom, we have the Star Wars tradition of the Jedi Farewell. It's a phrase that expresses your good intentions and wishes good luck to the recipient. Try signing off with this when you're helping a prospect solve a challenge. Master Kenobi would be proud.

Bonus tip: This works really well when you start your email with a friendly “Hello there.”

5. Goodbye, thank you for the fish
If your coworker has a sticker with the number 42 on their notebook or desk, you'll definitely be tickled by this ending inspired by The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.

While this was a farewell message from dolphins as they fled Earth before it was completely destroyed, you don't need to save it for such a dire situation. If you're close enough to the recipient to joke around over email, this dubious farewell is a fun way to express gratitude.

6. Goodbye, Alligators
What a classic. What a masterpiece. Most of us have religiously practiced this two-part goodbye since we first learned to wave goodbye. Like a professional tennis player tossing a ball high into the clear sky, this line deftly guides the reader back to the expected answer: "Wait a minute, alligator."

There are plenty of animal-parody “goodbyes,” like “Bye-Butterfly,” “The Buffalo’s Gone,” and “Bye, Baboon,” but their feeble inner rhythms can’t match the “call and response” of the original.

7. Stay calm
This military farewell phrase can be used to mean "stay alert" or "be cool" and is often used as a farewell by fans of the movie Alien. It's even been adopted by members of the Marine Corps.

You may not be facing off against a swarm of alien creatures, but the corporate world does have its own risks. In a business setting, this farewell is appropriate when you and the recipient are about to tackle a new project or challenge.

8. Label you
All salespeople have been in this situation: You're looking for customers, you know you have a valuable product or service, but no one is willing to take it. You send carefully worded emails, but you don't receive any responses.


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