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Lanes for scooters and bicycles









Rank: 1

发表于 2024-3-12 17:30:30 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Circulation on sidewalks and pedestrian spaces with electric scooters with seats and bicycles is prohibited. People who commit this violation will be punished with a fine which can reach 60 euros. Bicycle circulation is only allowed on cycle lanes , which are streets that have been limited to 30 km/h. For which bicycles have preferences and other types of vehicles can circulate. lane for scooters and bicycles lane for scooters and bicycles What is a scooter and bike lane? A lane for scooters and bicycles is an  exclusive route for this type of transport , therefore the circulation of any other vehicle is prohibited. But in some municipalities they have allowed Mobility Vehicles to use urban bike lanes. This allows scooters and bicycles to circulate on these roads and will have  priority  over other vehicles.

But only when  they respect any road signs, because of this, if a motor vehicle has to make a turn, it must warn. This applies to cases where you are forced to invade the bike lane, the notification must be made with the turn signal. They must also make sure that no bicycles are approaching. Motor vehicles are prohibited from circulating, parking or stopping on bicycle lanes. Nor will they Oman Telegram Number Data be able to do so in areas that are reserved for bicycle parking. Pedestrians must also respect these spaces and must be aware that they will not have priority. This is for cases where you decide to cross the lanes through a marked area. What are the bike routes? This is a cycle path that has signage on the sidewalk, the bike path is a road separated from traffic that has a layout independent of the road. The cycle path is a path for cyclists and pedestrians, which is separated from traffic and has open spaces, such as forests or gardens. Where can scooters and bikes be parked? Parking scooters and bikes can use the areas reserved for parking motorcycles . Scooters can also be parked in bicycle spaces only if they belong to BiciMad.

When none of these possibilities exist, they can park in the parking spaces located on the road. These vehicles can be parked for free in the SER zone. In cases where there are none of these possibilities, you can leave the scooters and bikes on the sidewalk. But they must park parallel near the curb and have to leave 3 meters of space free. In these cases , they can be anchored to elements that belong to street furniture such as streetlights, fences or bollards. But they cannot be anchored to benches, plant elements or canopies. What are the prohibitions for scooters and bicycles? Spaces reserved for pedestrians and sidewalks are prohibited for use with scooters and bicycles. Only children under 12 years of age can ride bicycles in these spaces , and they must be accompanied by a pedestrian. Scooters may not circulate under any circumstances. It is prohibited to circulate on highways, bus-taxi lanes and highways, as well as using mobile devices or under the influence of alcohol or narcotics.


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