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Bronze Age places that are almost castles









Rank: 1

发表于 2024-2-15 17:58:02 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
There is a place in Ciudad Real that, more than 4,000 years old, represents a unique opportunity to see a motilla. That is, a prehistoric construction, places from the Bronze Age that to a certain extent we could consider as a precedent for castles. Both for the form and for some of the functions. It is the Motilla del Azuer in Daimiel, but there are other examples of very ancient constructions with similar characteristics, which give names to places around the peninsula. 4,000 years ago, in La Mancha and other places, some buildings were built that, with the passage of time, ended up buried or were lost for some reason. Either because other civilizations rose on top and with their development hid the rest of the past, or because their material resources were consumed over time, for new constructions.

This is why we have to consider some of the remains that have come to us as a gift. If they talk to you about motilla, the place will be on the plain; If they talk to him about morra or Belarus Email List castillejo, he will be on a high Daimiel, Spain, Motilla del Azuer, Prehistory, fortification Motilla del Azuer. By luisfpizarro For those small social groups of 40 centuries ago, settling in a certain place helped cover certain basic needs and consolidate a community, taking advantage of agriculture and livestock, mainly. But settling down entailed the obligation to think about how to defend the town against threats and how to store the surpluses from these productive tasks. Among the many settlements of this prehistoric era, in part of the peninsula there are the morras, the castillejos or castellones and the motillas .

Behind these words we have simple constructions that serve to cover these basic needs, both defensive and storage. According to the RAE, a mota is, among other things, a low elevation of the land, natural or artificial, that rises alone on a plain. From that word, mota, comes the word motilla, which also refers to a mound in the middle of a plain. It is not strange that under that mound of earth the motilla hides centuries-old archaeological remains. The motillas can be differentiated from the rest because they are on the plain, and the rest are usually on a hill. Both the morras and the castles were built on a hill, which from the outset naturally provided certain advantages, both in terms of defense and control of the surrounding territory.


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