本帖最后由 piloyniloy03@gm 于 2024-2-15 14:39 编辑
marketing emails to provide valuable, informative, authenticcontent to show you understand your customers and care. 3. Use Social Media toRespond & Serve Social media is an effective channel for communicating andconnecting. Many businesses make the mistake of thinking that they can usetheir social channels solely for building brand visibility and extending reach.However once they establish an online presence, businesses have aresponsibility to use their social
as and when it is required. According to Sprout Social, 79percent of customers expect a response Brazil Telemarketing Data their social media posts within 24hours. But, even though 63 percent of social media complaints are responded towithin that time, only a third of people are happy with their response time.This means you need to adopt a proactive and reactive approach to managing yoursocial media and nurturing your online communities. You can do this byresponding to any query, complaint or brand mention quickly,
providing the best possible solution using a personal,‘human’ touch. Never forget that your social channels are an extension of yourbrand, just as important as your website or a hard copy brochure, and anynegative experiences a customer may have via social media have the potential toharm your brand’s online reputation. The best thing to do is implement a systemthat enables you to prioritize customer communications depending on howurgently they require a response – i.e. a tweet with a complaint