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How erotic ads are "approved" on Facebook









Rank: 1

发表于 2023-12-21 17:06:27 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Facebook, the largest social network in the world, can reach over 1.1 billion users with advertising. In the Czech Republic, it offers advertising that can target up to 4,200,000 potential customers. So it's no wonder that advertising is in high demand here. But can all products be promoted within the largest social network? Of course they won't. The Facebook Advertising Policy lists products that may not be promoted or are restricted in some way . These are mainly products for adults, alcohol, dating, financial services, gambling, medicines and others. I decided to try how it is on Facebook with the promotion of products for adults . Let's take a look at it. Simply put, advertising adult products on Facebook is at a significant disadvantage compared to advertising a socially acceptable drug. The road to successfully launching such a campaign is very thorny . The Facebook Guidelines for Advertised Products & Services state: “ Ads and Sponsored Stories may not promote pornography of any kind, artistic or commercial. Ads and Sponsored Stories must not contain nudity, adult toys, adult products, or images of people participating in activities that are overly suggestive or sexual in nature.

It further states that products such B2B Email List as condoms or contraceptives can be advertised, but they must be presented tastefully and only for users over 18 years of age . image Facebook has a weird ad approval process. I tried to promote the site of the sex shop . It was not difficult to see from its name that the subject of its activity is the sale of erotic aids. Although I suspected that the ads would not pass the approval process, I wanted to try all the variants. Therefore, my first step was to create regular Like Stories and classic FB ads that targeted users over 18 years old . As expected, Facebook wouldn't allow me their content, so my colleagues and I started to come up with alternatives. After changing the texts and images, which now no longer contained any objectionable content , we were rejected again, even though we were now targeting users over 25 years old and there was no longer any link to the e-shop on the page.

So we started thinking about the next steps that could lead to a successful launch of the campaign. We have created two new pages . The name of the first one almost coincided with the name of the original page. Conversely, for the second variant, we changed the name but kept the original profile photo. In this photo, both the name of the company and the link to the e-shop were given . For these two new variants, we only launched Like Story. And the result? Ads have been successfully approved . So we chose the first newly established page that uses a very similar name to the original page and added posts that already contain links to the e-shop. Even so, all ads are now active . So why were the same ads on an almost identical page disapproved? I believe the ID of the original page got "indexed" by Facebook and thus any ads posted for that page were permanently disapproved. The new site, despite having the same content and an almost identical name , allows the promotion of adult content and erotica. So how does the approval process work when advertising is repeatedly rejected on pages modified in a way that corresponds to Facebook's conditions? And on the other hand, if you are not allowed to promote erotica, how can it be that an ad that links to sites with this content is approved? My last and most fundamental questions concern the nature of erotica advertising. Why are ads with erotic content rejected , but alcohol can be advertised to users over 18 ? Aren't values ​​shifted in our society now? After all, a tastefully tuned advertisement with a sexual subtext is more natural than alcohol, which has been proven to have harmful effects. Many questions, few clear answers. What is your opinion? Let us know in the discussion.


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