Don't "stress" the contacts: if the sending software allows it, set up anti-stress filters the maximum number of daily communications for each user. Avoid sending volume peaks with consequent disservices on the site.
Don't overdo it with punctuation, better avoid exclamation Japan phone number list points and special characters and the use of words that suggest gratuity, urgency or winnings and competitions. Last - but not least - let's always remember that the quality of the content has its weight : we can in this world, but if the content does not interest our recipient, the email will not reach the goal we set ourselves.
We are curious to know your experiences: have you ever encountered deliverability problems in your projects? Have some of your mailings ever had spam problems? If reading this far you've realized that you can't do all this alone and what you need is a partner who can support you with email marketing consultancy , take a look at our dedicated service and write to us!