本帖最后由 mdarif052 于 2023-3-27 16:04 编辑
For each item, come up with a small example that will describe how you successfully manifeste and use this or that trait in your work. For example, if you mention that you are a team player, then remember and describe a situation where the ability to work well in a team helpe you successfully complete a specific project. Be Concise Your answer should be short and take no more than one or two minutes. Therefore, choose a few of the most striking qualities from your list and talk about them. looking for in future employees.
Do not remain unfounde - always give specific examples. For example, if you want to go to work in an advertising agency, your best bet is to focus on your creativity. If this is the position of a manager, then your ability to work and the ability to apply a systematic Business Email List approach may be more important for the employer. The main thing is not to remain unfounde and give specific examples. Focus on uniqueness The employer also wants to know what makes you stand out from other candidates.

Therefore, it is worth mentioning two or three points that you think are unique and that are not often found in other candidates. Such qualities can be, for example, extensive experience in one area, work abroad or entrepreneurial experience in this area. Formulate your answer in advance Formulate your answer in advance Since the answer must be concise, and any hitch may raise doubts in your potential employer, it is best to formulate exactly what you will say in advance.